How To Generate Great Ideas In 3 Ways

People after this got to know that Cholera is a waterborne disease and it was a major breakthrough in the history of medical science and a lot of lives was saved after it.

In the 19th century at Soho England, there was a spread of Cholera disease in which many people lost their lives  Many people thought that it was due to the polluted air but after the research of John Snow a doctor by profession who had made a map in which showed the locations of people suffering and finally found that the cases of Cholera simply indicated at a place where there was a water pump which was the epicentre of the pandemic.

But the fact is John Snow did not get the idea at a single strike. He was working in it over a long period of time. Along with him, the father of the church Henry Whitehead was also working on the same research. 

Many people thought it was an instant idea but it was a gradual one. By interacting with Henry Whitehead he came to understand the disease from a different perspective as Whitehead was from a different field. 

This case study tells about how to generate new ideas from different fields. So here are the three ways how awesome productive ideas can be generated

The First Idea Is Liquid Networks.

A study proved that there are places like coffee shops where people got new ideas and got to know more where they gathered and discussed different ideas. One must develop a network of different people who belong to different fields interacting with them let us analyze and anticipate things in different perspectives.

How To Generate Great Ideas In 3 Ways How To Generate Great Ideas In 3 Ways How To Generate Great Ideas In 3 Ways How To Generate Great Ideas In 3 Ways How To Generate Great Ideas In 3 Ways How To Generate Great Ideas In 3 WaysHow To Generate Great Ideas In 3 Ways How To Generate Great Ideas In 3 WaysHow To Generate Great Ideas In 3 Ways How To Generate Great Ideas In 3 Ways

The Second Idea That We Come Across Is Breaking The Pattern.

Do something different out of the monotonous time-table and boom! New ideas shall definitely come out of your head. Taking a break from a monotonous schedule will definitely work out. Chaos, breaks, and change in environments shall definitely lead you to something special and excellent. 

The Third Idea Is Good Ideas Take Time To Develop.

Good thoughts and ideas are gradual and may take a lot of time to develop. It’s not that within days of deep thinking all of a sudden you get an idea. As I told before John Snow was analyzing the disease 6 years before all these started. Tim Berners Lee the founder of WWW started working on this idea before 20 years then only he was able to make it through the odds. So start working on an ordinary idea make changes with it with the passage of time and one day you will surely get a brilliant idea or a better alternative.

The above-mentioned content is taken from the book WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM BY STEVEN JOHNSON. So if you have an interest in it then surely do read this book.

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Prabhudarshan Samal
Prabhudarshan Samal

I am Prabhudarshan Samal a B.Tech CSE undergraduate from SIT Bhubaneswar. I am a coding geek and have a keen interest in Web development. Currently, I am working as a technical content writer at day is an opportunity to learn something new and within everything, there is something to be learned that is what I feel. I embrace every new Technology or topic that lies under my niche warmly.

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